Snowballs New missile that should match the hitbox a bit better and be more readable in hectic team fights New recast activation VFX on tagged target New hitandmiss VFXs New SFX on missed snowball, so you know when you do hit! League of Legends 1113 Patch Notes Release Date, Champion Changes And New Skins League of Legends next update, patch 1113, will arrive next week In the next update, players can expect a flurry of changes including a Tahm Kench rework, multiple system changes and a few champion adjustments As for skins, we'll be getting a number of newMom cat, shio shoujo Game Updates Patch 1113 notes Lol Patch 11 11 Notes Release Date Pbe Leaks Buffs Nerfs Skins Balance Changes Dexerto Lol patch notes 11.13